get unlimited access to the Practicing Meditations library

Get Unlimited Access To The Practicing Meditations Library

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$27 every month

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Dynamically Updated $XX.00

What to Expect from My Meditations:

What To Expect From My Meditations:

Meditation Library

Enjoy special access to a variety of personalized meditations designed to promote self-care, harmony and authenticity. 
Daytime Energy Experience
  • Envigorate and Empower Yourself: Daytime Meditations for Confidence.
  • Reset, Don’t Fret: Shift any Stress and Refresh your Mindset .
  • Clear and Release: Clearing Meditations for Forgiveness.
  • Invite Abundance: Manifestation Meditations for Financial Wishes.
Nighttime Unwinding Experience
  • Deep Breaths: Grounding Meditations for Anxiety and Uncertainty.
  • Body Scan: Mindful Meditations for a Relaxed System.
  • Nighttime Relaxation: Guided Sleep Meditations.

Normally priced at $77 per month, subscribe today for just $27 per month

Normally priced at $77 per month, subscribe today for just $27 per month

(Friendly Reminder: Should you choose to cancel, you can unsubscribe at any time.)


Tune in to your mind & heart to invite more peace into your life

“Hold space for you, in your own time, in your own way. It’s all about learning, observing and feeling.”
- Rose Biel

"Healing is immediate"

“Rose has magical energy. I loved seeing her lead deep conversations and hold space for all those around her.”
“I highly recommend that you give one of Rose's Meditations a try, You won't regret it!”

- Katie

"I'm forever changed"

“Rose offered me the space to explore my thoughts but feel safe under her guidance. There weren’t many words exchanged, but the tranquil silence brought me a lot of relief. In a world filled with so much busyness, I appreciate Rose’s philosophy on silencing the noise in order to listen to what is being said within. Only by placing myself in a natural state like this, I was able to awaken something within.”

- Bridgett

"Amazing experience"

“There is something so trusting and nurturing in Rose’s voice. 
It’s a feeling of safety. No matter how hard things get, I know I’ll be alright after listening to just one of her meditations!”

- Brodie

Tune in to your mind & heart to invite more peace into your life

“Holding space for you, in your own time, in your own way. It’s all about learning, observing and feeling.”
- Rose Biel

"Healing is immediate"

“Rose has true energy magic and I loved seeing her curate deep conversation, move energy, and hold space for all those around her.

I highly recommend that you give one of Rose's Meditation classes a go, you won't regret it! “

- Katie

"I'm forever changed"

“Rose allowed me the space to get lost in my thoughts but feel safe with her guidance. Many words were not exchanged and that silence brought me a lot of relief. In a world filled with busyness I appreciate Rose’s posture to silence that noise and listen to what is being said within by placing myself in a natural state that awakens within.”

- Bridgett

"Amazing experience"

“There is something so trusting and nurturing in Rose’s voice. 
A feeling of safety, like no matter how hard things get, I know I’ll be alright after listening to just one of her meditations!”

- Brodie

Rose Biel Energy Medicine. Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.